Cloudflare Tunnel
Ngrok is a service which gives you random url whenever you start a new tunnel. Clodflare tunnel is a free service that you can use as ngrok alternative.
# macOS
brew install cloudflared
# ubuntu
wget -q && dpkg -i cloudflared-linux-amd64.deb
and login
cloudflared tunnel login
# this will create and download ~/.cloudflared/cert.pem
# you can read pem file in future so you know on which account you have access
openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -ext subjectAltName
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
You can create a temporary tunnel with random url
cloudflared tunnel --url http://localhost:3000
and it will be available under like
For long living tunnels which uses the same url you should use local or remotelly managed tunnels
Locally managed tunnels
# list all tunnels created previously using cloudflared cli on web
cloudflared tunnel list
# create tunnel on cloudflare site and local config.json file
cloudflared tunnel create mytunnel
# Tunnel credentials written to /home/dule/.cloudflared/asd....asd.json
# create config file that uses this credentials and tunnel name
cat > ~/.cloudflared/config.yaml << 'HERE_DOC'
url: http://localhost:3000
tunnel: mytunnel
# home shortcut ~/.cloudflared/ will not work
credentials-file: /home/dule/.cloudflared/asd....asd.json
# create DNS CNAME record for mytunnel with value
cloudflared tunnel route dns mytunnel
# start the tunnel, default is to read cert from .cloudflared/cert.pem and .cloudflared/config.yml
cloudflared tunnel run mytunnel
# but you can define using params for credentials json and config yml
cloudflared --credentials-file doc/cloudflared/f77e7809-5f2b-497e-9086-f13c1ad8b222.json --config doc/cloudflared/config.yml tunnel run mytunnel
# check tunnel status
cloudflared tunnel info mytunnel
For multiple domains you just need to add same CNAME records to other subdomains.
To block by IP address, go to Security > WAF and create rule with “IP Source Address” “is not in” {my ip address} And “Hostname” “equals” “” than “Block”.
If you install as a service than you need to stop that service
systemctl status cloudflared
If you need another account you can use origincert
cloudflared --origincert doc/cloudflared/cert.pem tunnel list
cloudflared --origincert doc/cloudflared/cert.pem tunnel create
# this will create json in the same folder as pem doc/cloudflared/asd.json
and config
param to configure port
cloudflared --origincert doc/cloudflared/cert.pem --config doc/cloudflared/config.yml tunnel run mytunnel
To debug use
cloudflared --loglevel debug tunnel run
Remotelly managed tunnels
After install
sudo cloudflared service install eyJh....
Installing cloudflared client as a system launch daemon. cloudflared client
will run at boot
2024-04-12T05:14:09Z INF Outputs are logged to
Cloudflare DNS
If you need direct ssh port 22 access than you need to disable Proxied and use DNS only proxy status.
Other solution is to tunnel ssh as http service
# config.yml
- hostname:
service: ssh://localhost:22
and use cloudflared access
ProxyCommand $(brew --prefix)/bin/cloudflared access ssh --hostname %h
Similarly for mysql connection you can use tcp service
# config.yml
- hostname:
service: tcp://localhost:3306
and from remote you can connect using
cloudflared access tcp --hostname --url localhost:3306