Git style

For Git we follows this guides

When you move large number of files, or run linters, that should be in separate commit (or even separate pull request) and put the command in commit message

git mv test/fixtures spec
git commit -am"git mv test/fixtures spec"

# or
standardrb --fix spec
git commit -am"standardrb --fix spec"

Code review

For code review

When working on some task, for example issue 123 than we usually create a branch that looks like i#{issue number}_#{description} and use commit number at the end git commit -m'#{some description} ##{issue number} For example

git checkout -b i123_add_test_for_signup
# make changes
git commit -m'Add test for signup #123`
git push -u origin HEAD

Git hooks

We use git hook for commit message so the issue number is automatically added to commit message.

cat > .git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg << 'HERE_DOC'
# Source
# Automatically adds branch name to every commit message.
# Modified from the stackoverflow answer here:

# Get branch name, use sed to strip name and keep only numbers
# i123_my_branch_name -> 123
issueNumber=$(git branch | grep '*' | grep -o '[0-9]*')
# issueNumber=$(git branch --show-current)

# Get the first line, ex: from ammending or mmm from git commit -am'mmm'
firstLine=$(head -n1 $1)

# echo firstLine=$firstLine issueNumber=$issueNumber
if [[ -n $issueNumber && ! $firstLine =~ $issueNumber ]] ; then
  # Prepend issueNumber to COMMIT_MSG
  # echo "i#$issueNumber"' '$(cat "$1"| sed '/^#.*/d') > "$1"
  # Append issueNumber to COMMIT_MSG
  # echo -n "#$issueNumber" >> "$1" # this will add at the end
  echo $(cat "$1" | sed '/^#.*/d')' '"#$issueNumber" > "$1"

  # Insert issueNumber at the end of the commit message file
  # sed -i "1s@^@\n\n$issueNumber@" $1

chmod +x .git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg

Next time you make a commit on a branch i123_add_test_for_signup than commit message will include [123]

git commit -am"Add test for signup"
[#123] Add test for signup


For big projects we follow GitFlow so all PR are done on develop branch. Only i123_hotfix_something branch start from main and merged back to develop and main.

Nice tutorial:

Github cli

We also use gh cli

# create PR and put commit messages as comment
gh pr create --fill

# assign reviewers
gh pr edit

# rebase and delete local and remote branch
gh pr merge -r -d

Remove all branch on which I’m not the author


current_user=$(git config

# Remove all local branches on which I'm not the author of the tip

for branch in $(git branch --format='%(refname:short)'); do
    if [[ "$branch" =~ ^(main|develop|master)$ ]]; then
    author=$(git log -1 --format='%ae' $branch)
    if [ "$author" != "$current_user" ]; then
      echo removing -$branch- $author
      git branch -D $branch